show the days in the last 5 years where temperature was below 0 F 
from sensor-1234

What would a programing language look like if it were designed for a specific slice of science? What about a query language?

Weather data is most often interacted with through read queries.

N-dimensional data poses a challenge for efficient query. Weather data adds layers of complexity as well, and data providers put a large amount of onus on the consumer to load, process, and query the data in the ways they need.

But perhaps there’s a way to leverage the spatiotemporal semantics of weather data, in combination with nascent file formats optimized for efficient n-dimensional data access, to design a query language that allows consumers to get exactly what they want for their problem at hand.

show the precipitation and temperature aggregated daily 
in the latest forecasts from ecmwf-hres and noaa-gefs
show *variable(s)* in [obs time range or forecast issue time(s)] where [filter] 
from [source]

What are the fundamental operations?

Examples are how existing things do it, not necessarily how wxql should.

Dev reference